Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sarah's Baby Shower

Well, I must say that I am really impressed with Kelly and I. We really now how to throw a party! Everyone had fun. But the best part is that Sarah enjoyed herself. She got to see alot of people she had not seen in a long time. And alot of family. Here are some pictures of the event.

Look at that spread! We had a nacho bar. Everyone loved the food.

That is the King Cake that Kelly made for the party. The King Cake is a Mardi Gras tradition. Hidden inside is a plastic baby. Tradition says that the one who finds the baby has to throw the next baby shower. But for our purposed the one who found the baby, won a prize. Sarah's mom found the baby!!

This is the diaper cake that Kelly and I made. Sarah loved it so much that it was her carry on for the plane ride home!!! Can you imagine what people thought?? I wish I could have been in the airport to see everyone's faces. I bet it was great.

There is pregnant Sarah and pregnant Courtney! How cute are they! Courtney is having a baby boy sometime in June I believe.

How cute is that! I can't remember who did that. But we all loved it.

Here is Sarah opening presents. Her mom gave her the things she had saved from when Sarah was a baby. It was so sweet!

There is Sarah. She is reading her favorite book from being a child. Her mom brought it to her. Emma is going to have some very special things coming her way!

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