Thursday, October 9, 2008

Random things that make me happy.....

My friend Sarah did this and it was neat to learn somethings about her. And at the end of she asked What makes you happy? Well, here we go!

1. My husband
2. My children
4. When the kids go to bed and Daniel and I cuddle and watch TV
5. Talking to my mom on Saturday morning. And being able to email her when ever I have a question. And that she bought me the tickets to the Reba and Kelly Clarkson concert.
6. Staying home with my boys
7. My friends
8. Having an amazing church family
9. Iced or Blended Mocha drinks
10. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting..
11. Road Trips with family and friends
12. Christmas
13. Shopping (I am a girl hehehe)
14. My friends being happy
15. Game night
16. Having people over to hang out
17. Hopefully Mary Kay will soon!
18. My blog
19. Watching show on the internet!!
20. Finding old friends on Facebook
21. Watching my kids discover something new
22. Helping Grant with his homework
23. Knowing I have good kids
24. Not watching politics :)
25. Grey's Anatomy
26. Weekends with my family
27. Going out on dates with Daniel
28. Getting to go to the Reba/Kelly Clarkson Concert on November 21st
29. A clean house....doesnt happen too often but I love it when it does
30. Being able to think of 29 things that make me happy !!!!!

So....What makes you happy??

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