Sunday, January 20, 2008

A little Update

I just thought I would let everyone know how Grant's second basketball game went. He played really well. He almost got a basket and we think that made him want to get the ball even more because he started blocking the other team really well. One of the kids on the other team had the ball and Grant was blocking him so well that the kid didn't know what to do , he was just standing there with the ball. And what did Grant do? He stole the ball and passed it to one of his teammates. He was very proud of himself. He did great! Daniel looked at me at one point and asked who was that kid and what did he do with our son! LOL

Logan is doing well. He is crawling all over the place. He is also starting to pull himself up on the couch. He can only pull himself up to his knees but he is determined. He is eating solids twice a day and still having 4 or 5 bottles. He is getting bigger and bigger everyday.

I hope everyone is doing well!

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